Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tonto Exploration Day

Tonto National Forest has just so much to explore and enjoy. Pick a random spot on the map, go there, and prepare to be amazed.
Just don't forget your Tonto Pass! (which can really be a pain for motorcycles...)

Arriving at today hiking area.

 Nothing beats a nice cool autumn ride to your destination out in the wilderness. Out from the congested roads filled with traffic, and crazy city drivers. Once I got out of the main city, happiness soon set in. I think Rose enjoyed the winding roads, and the hilly climbs a bit to much today. She seemed to want to keep going, but we arrived at our destination. And today, it's hill exploring day!

One of my favorite movies as a child, strange as it probably sounds, was The Sound of Music, and like that one song says, climb every mountain. Have you ever looked at a mountain and wonder what laid beyond it's peaks? I wound up hiking up, trail blazing a few deer trails up surrounding hills I had been wondering that very question for quite some time. I was not disappointed.

 The weather wasn't quite as moody as I'd hoped it would have been, we had some remnants of a hurricane to the far south just the other day. This trip was more of a scouting adventure for me. Some spots I plan to return to someday when weather and mood open an opportunity for something a bit more dramatic.
Much to my surprise, I did not run into a single snake! Not sure if that was a good or bad thing, as rattle snakes are very common in this area. They may be done for the year though. Spring time you can always bet to find at least two lurking under some bush. The views sure were impressive. The more you get out and the more you learn, I find if fun, seeing a new mountain I recognize off in the distance. Roll back a few years and I'd have just been, neat, another mountain off in the distance.

Up another hill!
After a few hills I found myself thinking I was in a pretty remote place. Relaxing on the side of a large rock. I noticed some old glass bottles and cans scattered around. Further down, ammo shells, and more signs up human activity.
To me, this is always a sad discovery. Finding signs of trash is just sad. If you can bring it all the way out there, surely, one can be responsible and bring what was brought with, all the way back, right? Yet another sad thing when common sense just is ignored. Anyway, my garbage rant weighted a bit upon me. And to spare the reader a longer novel here, I began my hike back after an enjoyable stay up in the hills.
I'm already planning my next visit with some photographic inspiration I got from this adventurous trip.

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Tonto Exploration Day

Tonto National Forest has just so much to explore and enjoy. Pick a random spot on the map, go there, and prepare to be amazed. Just don...